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Electives build on concepts and skills taught in the Commons and allow learners to create their own trajectories through the UFP by focusing on particular sectors and focus areas they want to develop. Fellows will be able to choose four to six Elective courses offered across different cycles, which will enable them to understand, engage and grapple with contemporary urban debates.

Elective courses are broadly of four types: Sector-specific courses like Housing Policy and Practice or National Urban Missions; thematic courses like Urban and Regional Economic Development or Sustainable Cities; technical or methods courses like Environmental Impact Assessment; and theory courses such as Southern Urban Theory. Many Electives also combine different aspects of these broad four categories. While Elective choices vary year to year, the courses on offer ensure coverage across these four types.

Elective Courses in the UFP have included:
Governing Land
Governing Mega-Infrastructure Projects
National Urban Missions
Urban Finance
Urban Regulation: Understanding the Design of Urban Laws and Policies
Urban Health Systems
Work, Labour, and Informality in the Urban
Designing Urban Social Protection Programmes
Digital Labour Markets and the Future of Work
Practice of Economics in the Urban
Planning and Communities
Shivaji Nagar as Economy’s Infrastructures: A Spatial Story Perspective
Urban and Regional Economic Development
Affordable Housing: Policy and Practice
Energy and the City
Housing Policy and Practice: Rental Housing
Transit-Oriented Cities
Contestations and Negotiations of Public Spacemaking/Placemaking
Changing Climate, Changing Cities
Climate Change and Human Settlements
Environmental & Social Impact Assessment
Sustainable Cities
Urban Risk and Resilience
Urban Sanitation
Urban Transportation and Mobility
Urban Biodiversity and Nature-based Solutions (NbS)
Decarbonising the City
Urban Infrastructure Resiliance
Development Communication
Experiencing Home: Affect and Housing in
Modern South Asia
Film and the City
Media and the City
Reading the City
Urban Theory from the South
Queer Spaces in the City: A Workshop in Urban Histories
Activism and the City
Development Communication